

Sundowners is our outdoor cocktail and ice cream bar and is open daily at the following times.

Monday - 4.30pm - 7pm

Tuesday - 6.15pm - 9pm

Wednesday - 4.30pm - 7pm

Thursday - 4.30pm - 7pm

Friday - 6.15pm - 9pm

Saturday - 4pm - 6pm

Sunday - 4.30pm - 7pm

We serve a fabulous cocktails plus our usual selection of wines, ales, lagers, ciders, spirits, soft drinks, nibbles and ice creams.

Just find a table, choose from the menu, place your order at the Box Office, sit back down and wait for our waiters to bring your order to you.

Weather Warning! Sundowners is only open when it's dry. Rain stops play....but then you can come and watch a film instead!