
Film Club

The Magic Lantern Film Club is a regular chance for people who love film to get together to discuss them.

Once a month, we pick a title (or sometimes more) from our main programme, and meet to chat about it after the screening. The bar will remain open.

We welcome anyone with a passion for films, from enthusiasts to aficionados or even someone who knows nothing about films except they enjoy watching them! The idea is to hold friendly and informal conversations, while also providing some extra information about the film, the cast and the director where relevant.

If you are on Facebook you can join the Film Club Group. We use this group to learn more about what type of films you like the most, and which films you’d like us to pick for the monthly meeting. The group will also act as a platform for sharing additional insights about the films we choose, as well as any suggestions you may have.

Check out our programme for the FC box which will appear next to films which will have a film club meeting after them. (Film club is taking a break for the Summer and will return in September.)

You can also email for more information.

We asked Mat, one of our projectionists, photographer extraordinaire and general tech wizard runs our film club to give us a bit more info.

Why did you decide to start a film club at The Lantern?

Film analysis during my cinema studies was an eye opener. Since then, I've always loved talking about films, analysing why directors make certain choices, and understanding how the language of a film works.

What can people expect if they come along to Film Club? Do they need to know a lot about films?

Not at all. I give a brief introduction about the film and the director, and suggest a few talking points. These can include how the film was made, the main themes, as well as some trivia and interesting facts. It's all very informal and friendly. The main goal is to have a good time and a friendly chat.

Everybody is welcome.

How can people join Film Club?

People can join us after the film. I share the meeting dates every month in our dedicated Facebook group, and they can also be seen on the big screen every night before the film starts. Additionally, there is an email for those who are not on Facebook. (See above.)